So what is Holistic Counselling & Coaching?

Generally speaking, Holistic Counselling (HC) is a form of counselling that addresses the whole person: Physical, Spiritual, Emotional and Mental. HC aims for the client to experience more profound levels of well-being at all these levels. HC draws from many forms of therapy and counselling, such as psychotherapy, breathwork, mindfulness, and energy psychology, but the sessions are generally tailored to the client’s needs. Due to HC being a broad category, you may encounter an array of styles and approaches to this profession. Therefore, it’s important you find a school with an approach that suits your style, beliefs and values.

The InteMind Method (taught via the Practitioner of Holistic Counselling course at the ASHC) uses an integrated approach to Holistic Counselling & Coaching by combining three elements:




So let’s look a bit deeper into the components of the InteMind Method:

1- The Science of Wellbeing & Human Flourishing

Human flourishing is one of the three elements of our approach to HC. Combined with the wisdom of holism and transformational tools, they make up the powerful way we serve our clients. Understanding the new science of well-being calls for an exciting new development in our profession. We no longer have to convince people about the importance of a solution-focused approach rather than problem-focused. Instead, science now confirms what ancient wisdom has promoted for a long time: There is no way to well-being; well-being is the way. By leaning on the science of well-being (through the latest findings in positive psychology), we can now create a different language around cultivating compassion, building on our strengths, working on forgiveness and finding meaning in our lives. Utilising scientific terminology as a practitioner will help demystify well-being for potential clients and ultimately bring them into our practice so they can receive the help they are looking for. The InteMind method combines the science with the art of transformation so that we can meet our clients wherever they are on their healing journey.

2- The Wisdom of Holism

This second part of the triad connects ancient wisdom and holism to our approach to helping our clients. At the ASHC, we do this by using the Four Levels of Transformation. Each level holds the opportunity for transformation. However, the most significant shift happens when you move into level four with your client. Here’s a brief overview of the four levels:


On this level, you hold space for your client’s story to be shared. You will begin to understand how they see their world and what emotions they are carrying because of it. At this level, we also explore what dreams and visions they have for their lives and what they are willing to do or let go of to make those visions a reality.

Level one is significant. Mastering this level you will be able to use your clients’ emotions as a guide to understanding what emotional expressions they have been holding on to in their lives. This is the level of building deep rapport. If your client has been experiencing trauma or is grieving, you may stay at level one for a while until they can move through.


Moving further down the ladder, your client can begin reflecting on their life experiences. Who are they showing up as in this life? And HOW do they want to live their lives in the future? On this level, you will work through negative belief systems and define patterns of behaviour that have been holding your client back. You will learn to pull out their strengths and help them become more aware of their triggers and shadows. They may open up even further and begin understanding their past gifts. They may also open up to a greater level of forgiveness and appreciation for life and start experiencing regular moments of awe and wonder on a micro and macro level.


Your client will reach this third level when they connect to what many call “the observer” residing within themselves. They may become aware of the separation between their thoughts and behaviours and the quiet inner presence within who holds all the answers. This is a sacred time for your client and will look different for everyone. We mustn’t rush this level but give our clients space and time to process. Some clients may stay on this level for a long time, moving in and out of it, even flowing back into levels two and one. Sometimes level three can cause fear and cause the client not to want to do any more inner work. Other times clients may have what Newberg calls moments of enlightenment with a small “e” on this level. You will learn to hold space for your client’s transformation at this stage, helping them connect to their intuition and true selves.


At level four, your client moves from inner knowing to a deep knowing that they are connected to something greater than themselves. Here, they will start to see the bigger picture and experience that they are part of the greater tapestry of existence. They may begin to feel deeply connected to everything and everyone. HC at level four results in deep healing. Your client will never return to who they were before working with you. This is often where moments of what Newberg (2009) calls Enlightenment with a big “E” happen. This is also the level we explore our own spirituality on a deeper level. Through the course, you will learn how to gently guide your client through this profound stage of transformation

When we master working on all four levels, we start seeing real change in our client’s life.

3- Transformational Techniques & Interventions 

Part three of the InteMind approach is about utilising processes and interventions. Using tools and techniques to take your client deeper can be a powerful way to reach a new level of transformation. The InteMind Method uses strategies and tools alongside a person-centred approach. In other words, we do not plan to use a particular intervention or tool before our session. Instead, what happens in the session becomes the inspiration to utilise a specific tool or create a new one in the moment. Having a creative approach in your sessions this way will help you stay present and centred. Holistic Coaching & Counselling (HC) is very much about the balance of knowing the techniques and how to utilise them in the session best. 

Who seeks help from an HC?

People may seek help from an HC if they are struggling with anxiety, depression, having an existential crisis or for stress management.

As a qualified Holistic Counsellor, you will work one-on-one and with groups. People will also benefit from seeing an HC if they want to learn more about themselves, increase levels of well-being or explore their spirituality, for example. 

The Conclusion

There is an art and a science to impactful HC. Through your studies with the ASHC, we will explore the foundation of transformation, or the cornerstones of the InteMind Approach, and look at how you can use this knowledge to take your clients deeper. You will learn to master deep listening skills, holding space and asking powerful questions, all of which may sound easy on the surface, but there’s more to them than you may think. 

Powerful HC is about being present, non-judgemental and unattached to the outcome. It is not our job to ensure our client has the transformation they seek. It is, however, our job to create the space FOR change and always hold our clients to their highest potential.

That’s the InteMind difference. 


Embark on a captivating journey to witness the dynamic influence of Holistic Counselling & Coaching unfolding in real-time. Join us in observing our founder, Madelaine Vallin, as she skillfully navigates and uplifts her clients in the featured videos. This exclusive opportunity grants you a firsthand experience of the profound influence and transformative advantages that holistic counselling can deliver.


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